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opinions that matter

There might be more than 50 shades of grey and a million more of the white and black, but when it comes to ‘shed’ the black, you will always find the CM of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal at work with all his installations carrying the flag ‘against the national swing’. We have seen it in the time of Lok Sabha elections in 2014. We have also been through it during the after-effects of Surgical Strikes in India and recently, we are going through this show once again while the nation is ready for ‘radical changes’ against black money. Kejriwal is the CM of Delhi and I think this is the most unfortunate thing ever happened in the politics of India. This person will butt-in in any possible thing he wants but will never care for his state, which is, more unfortunately, also the capital of the country.

Today, he is meeting the businessmen of Azadpur Mandi in New Delhi. He will spit venom against the courageous move taken by the PM Narendra Modi of demonetising the 500 & 1000 notes in India. There are some troubles but the country, in most of its colours, is going with the move. There are some politicians who are opposing it for the sake of keeping their politics alive and some are seriously ‘offended’ by this move which will surely hurt those who own ‘more than they earn’. Now the question is, why is this person called Kejriwal opposing this historic move? Is he a culprit? Has he got black money? Is he a defaulter? Is he indulged in Hawala scams? Does his party, the AAP, indulge in cash scams? It’s ironic that this person entered the national politics riding the wagon of ‘cleaning the politics and nation of black money and corruption’. When the time has come, he is opposing it. Most of the countrymen are unable to veer through this transition – sadhu to shaitaan.

Understanding Kejri’s politics is tough for some while so easy for the other side. He is against the national awareness; if you ask me why, I got the answer. Today, children and elders, young and the old, school boy or college girl, and to put it simply, the entire nation is talking about what the black money is… they are collecting information and interpreting it to know the root. Kejriwal came into power by doing his promises to those ‘less-to-do-with-politics’ people and showed them the dream of a ‘corruption and black-money-free’ nation. Today, people has come to know what the corruption’s root is and how it’s being uprooted by a leader in power. So, what do you see? People have caught Kejri’s bluff and now they are thoroughly rejecting his regressive and shameful politics which directly connotes only one thing – he is against the national welfare! The most fortunate thing is, Indians know how to deal with his kind of politicians… let’s hope for the best!

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