opinions that matter

Torrentz, with a domain, has shut down its services and closed the domain in an entirely unexpected turnaround of events! Well, I am not a fan of torrents; but there are millions of people out there who love torrent, celebrate torrent and enjoy torrents! The recent shutdowns (or whipped downs?) of two of the greatest torrents sites – the KAT (kickass torrents) and torrentz have created a great hollow for the torrent lovers. Especially the recent one, torrentz, was a very powerful meta-search engine which did not own torrents on its own. However, with powerful metrics, it provided the links to torrents on multiple sites to its millions of daily users.

Torrentz was howsoever popular among the users, it was never loved by the big-time owners of the ‘intellectual property’ right holders. Founded in 2003, torrentz has had a great run for 13 years. It was on the list of favourites for all those who did not have time for TV shows, going to movies or simply did not want to invest money in buying a music album or software. Torrentz was there to accompany them and letting them always find what they wanted. However, its shutdown and farewell to the users created a great sense of shock! They have lost KAT already and now Torrentz joins the list of ‘exit-gaters’.

All these events have given air to a new debate – the torrent debate. While torrents give people the power to ‘peer-sharing’ it also takes a dig at the revenue of the genuine copies (of whatsoever). Here, the conflict is direct – companies vis-a-vis the popular public method. As of now, the companies seem to have the upper hand. Let us who has the next number to say goodbye. Meanwhile, the lovers of torrents have one more chance to mourn as they have lost Torrentz! Good bye Torrentz!

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