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Books have a profound impact on human consciousness. Entertainment, new learnings, education, ideas, growth, and much more are on the table when we read new books. Pick out any successful person in the world, you may notice the role of books behind the success. Flipping the chessboard will give you a good idea about someone’s personality based on the reading list! In short, books play a valuable role in shaping the thoughts and mindset of a person. Likewise, our thoughts and consciousness are responsible for how our lives develop. A negative person will seldom find any success worthy of celebrating. On the contrary, a positive person will discover the reasons for being happy in any situation. And this analogy brings us to the purpose of this article – holistic healing. This is a concept everybody wants to know. However, reading perplexing books might lead in the wrong direction. If you want to understand the importance of holistic healing, the list of books below will help you conveniently discover the secrets!

The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton: In this seminal book, a direct contradiction to popular science, the author discusses the impact of human thoughts and beliefs on biology or the human health system. The author suggests that one’s perception of the world may change one’s health conditions. Believing is the core of holistic healing. If you believe you are well, your genes respond to your belief! This is what, in short, the book argues. The complete title of the book is revealing – The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. You can get a copy from Amazon India – click here to buy one now.

The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd: Almost like the book above, Alexander’s book discusses the impact of our thinking and consciousness on our health system. The author has been pragmatic enough to include practical examples from real-life scenarios so that readers can see the ‘theories’ in action. The book does not limit itself to health; it offers various perspectives on personal and professional success, relationship problems and much more. The Healing Code is a popular book and a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the art of holistic healing. You can buy a copy from Amazon India – get your copy now.

The Kintsugi Moms by Dr Haseena Chokkiyil: Dr Haseena is an experienced counsellor, a homoeopath and a holistic healing expert. This book is the result of her experience, expertise and counselling. The book offers two parts – stories of eight women who came out of negativity and hopelessness by using the techniques of holistic healing suggested by Dr Haseena and practical suggestions to apply holistic healing in one’s life to bring positivity. The author has some very convenient suggestions and everything has been wonderfully synchronised with the ancient Japanese technique of Kintsugi (an art technique). The book will be an interesting and resourceful read for readers who want to understand the importance of holistic healing in life. Get a copy now – click here to go to the Amazon book page.

Introduction to Holistic Energy Healing by Alok Vasavda: This is a unique book that helps the readers understand the importance of energy in one’s life. Alok has come up with this work after years of studies and his interactions with his Guru whom he wholeheartedly thanks in the book, on many occasions. Energy, one must understand, forms an important part of the human body. The book discusses the methods to channel the same in productive and beneficial ways. Read the book to understand more. Get a copy – click here to buy from Amazon India.

The Energy Cure by William Bengston: An advanced probe into the world of energy and its impact on human health, this book is many steps ahead, scientifically, of the book mentioned before. William Bengston takes the readers through his multi-decade journey and investigation. The book might be a little over the board at times with all the scientific terms and ideas. However, what can be better than someone from the world of science affirming that energy can play a vital role in curing human illnesses of various kinds? The book will be a good, informative and resourceful read for those who get along with science (more than anything else). You can get a copy from Amazon India – click here to book your copy now.


I am sure you will like the books on this list. Also, the list has been prepared after carefully examining many books available on the topic of holistic healing. These books are the best ones, the simplest ones, and also the most helpful ones out on the market right now. Enjoy reading!

You can also get much other news from the world of literature on our platform. Keep reading!


Literature Desk, ILN Platform


  1. Thank you for this article… I have read two authors out of these five. Will surely try others soon.

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