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Rafflesia the banished princess by Gautam Choudhury

Rafflesia the Banished Princess is a newly launched book and is authored by Gautam Choudhury, a business analyst by profession. The early impressions that this book is generating promise to deliver the readers a read which is filled with excitement, enthusiasm and a new narrative in India fiction. The book is a fairy tale with Indian background and twists and turns of love story.

The princess comes from far land and the inclusion of an Indian kid Appu makes the story even more enticing for the Indian fiction enthusiasts… the usual critics even cannot comment on the book without reading it as it does not leave any clue for them! 

It’s not the usual Alice in the Wonderland story as the princess, Rafflesia, in the book is in exile. The backdrop promises a magical world with Indian landscape in the purview. Indian fiction is in a phase where new authors are emerging every day and most of them tend to follow the shoe-marks on the sand… that is following the movements by Chetan Bhagat or Ravinder Singh or even Durjoy Dutta… the incline towards writing fictional romances which even go the extent of becoming One Indian Girl! This author, however a debutant, did not bother to look up to the usual landmarks and came up with a new idea. 

We are anticipating the book very soon and we will be writing a detailed book review of Rafflesia The Banished Princess as soon as we finish reading this. If you also want to read something new and not the trend, please go on and purchase this amazing fantasy promising fairy tale which features the Indian soil for the first time. It seems that after everything else, it’s the high time that we bring fairy tales back to India! Gautam has perhaps worked in the same direction and we will trace his achievements once we get our hands on his book. 

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