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opinions that matter

Salman Khan fell into the controversy over the ban on Pakistani artists some days ago. He battled so hard for the Pakistani actors, actresses and singers and other artists; however, unfortunately, Salman Khan forgot whom he was defending. It might hurt, but dear Salman, you forgot the basic point – as the Pakistani PM has no spine to take on the terrorism and terrorists in his country, the same is the condition with the intellectuals and artists in Pakistan. No one dares to speak up – and we all see in which direction the country is furthering. And voila! Pakistan has banned everything about Bollywood in the country! Come on, Indian intellectuals, take on the Pakistani government as you have been rapping the national interest in India. Come on!

I am also an artist and I know how good it feels when someone from a different nation than yours praises and loves your art. However, just because I am from India does not mean that I will be blind to everything which is bad about India – corruption, women issues, crime etc. I will certainly speak up when the time comes and when there is a need. If there is something bad, I must act against it; if I am not so competent to take the ugly on, I will at least speak up. Is it all that Fawad Khan and likes of him cannot do? Cannot they speak up against terrorism and even condemn it? If the answer is no (which, in this case, was surely no) then they don’t have the ground to remain in our country! Salman Khan and the confused brigade in Bollywood has firmly come in support of the Pakistani inhuman artists and the defence line adopted by Salman Khan was funny:

They are not terrorists; they are artists.

Salman, now Pakistan has banned even your movies in the country; are you a terrorist? I am confused; please do educate me on this part.

Another part of the story is that there is arrogance and that also in plenty, in the people from Bollywood. I am simply amused. Why at all? Why these people from Bollywood think that they have directly descended from heaven? Look at some of the irresponsible actors and actresses and you will understand. I remember a girl (don’t remember her name) who was on the air (Times Now, Newshour with Arnab). Her arrogance led her to be off from the live show. Have they lost the sense of responsibility? A little humility, can they not show?

Friends, now it’s up to us. We have to show them the reality. They are not our heroes who steal the valour shown by our army and make money out of that. And I can say with pride that I have never ever invested a single paisa on Bollywood. I DID NOT GO EVEN FOR A SINGLE TIME TO A CINEMA HALL. I can do better things with my money than wasting on these faltu people who have the least of the responsibility towards our nation, the nation which has made them stars! Shame on these people!

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