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242 Indians Back Home : Wake of Brussels Attack

After the terror attack on Brussels airport and metro station, the Indians who were trapped there have been brought back to India. A Jet Airways plane carried 242 persons including 28 crew members and it landed at New Delhi this morning. The plane carried all these people from Amsterdam.

According to the reports, the aircraft landed early in the morning around 5:30 am at Indira Gandhi airport, New Delhi.

Previously reported, the airline was to send one flight from Mumbai as well. However, due to some reasons, it was cancelled and later combined with the Delhi flight. The people who were worried about their family members stuck in Brussels after the terror attacks had some happiness back in their life as soon as the Jet Airways plane landed at IGI this morning.

The attack, deadly and frightening, was carried out by ISIS, who later took the responsibility of it. According to the reports coming from Belgium, one of the persons involved in the attack has been detained. Europe has seen many terror attacks in the past 15 months. However, the leaders around the world are coming together eventually to not only condemn the massacre by terrorists but also to stand united against them and carry some counter attack on terrorism.

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