opinions that matter

India has been a country that always stands on chaos but manages to walk in peace. We have been tolerant even to the tyrants like Aurangzeb; we have also seen the ‘manufactured’ phase of intolerance in our country. We have fought for freedom and our rights. We have also fought for the right to pray in this independent India. We have seen the India when there used to be no media like today. We have also seen the India where ‘media trials’ take place. We have seen an India of the ‘negative news’ aired and printed by the media houses; we see an India in the ‘positive news’ that we listen from people around us. Whom can we believe? Whom should we trust? What should we do? Is positive journalism not a way to motivate the citizens? Won’t it work if we focus a little on positive news about India? Why has our media gone so negative and callous about the country?

What can positive news do?

Well, If I have the permission to say, positive news can do everything, at least in India. Most of the times, our prime minister Narendra Modi also registers his agreement to the need of positivity and attitude of appreciation in Indian Journalism. ‘What we think that we become’ is a phrase that sets up the story of Indian media. For so long, we have been constantly witnessing the ‘decay,’ ‘deterioration,’ and ‘decline’ of India as a nation, as ‘reported’ in our media. Can India survive so long (not fathomed) if it was always bad – as recorded by our historians and then translated into the manipulative news by our dear media. They will never raise any negative issue that needs to be raised. They will never bring out any positive news that needs to come out in public. For example, if I tell you that my family has given up the LPG subsidy, you will think – once, twice, thrice or for a day. Next morning, you will walk my home and announce ‘yar, maine bhi chhod di’! This is what positive news can do in India! Do you get the message?

Putting the things in a broader perspective, good news in India has become almost a rare phenomenon that happens like the acclaimed solar or lunar eclipse; not me, the Indian media and the practicing journalists think so. Has goodness ceased to exist? Certainly not. You need to go out and see. They will report a riot with all possible ‘contaminants’ but they don’t have time to cover the place where people from every religion come to help each other.

Good news is the only solution to the problems we see today. Just imagine what would happen when the media houses dedicated a small share of their ‘valuable time’ to broadcast good news from India. People will be motivated; people will be eager to a part of the good; people will motivate others to do good… and the chain will go on. Now, only Zee News has started showing positive news from the country at a dedicated time slot. This initiative is getting positive responses as well. There are some news portals online which only publish positive news. So, ‘something’ is happening for sure; but is this enough, is the biggest question.

But the reality…
Media has become a tool with both the edges equally sharp. Journalists can use to promote good news as well as their personal prejudice and bias. Recent expose on AgustaWestland by a TV Channel, Times Now, has thoroughly brought out the nexus of media, politicians, and foreign corporates. No one, who is interested in media, can forget the legendary slaps on Indian journalism – Nira Radia tapes and the Zee News’ official statement ‘Indian media is completely sold’, the Navin Jindal sting case. You will feel this newspaper is biased towards this party and that news channel is leaning towards another party. It has been the case for long; and supposedly, it’s going to be the case. However, the emergence of citizen journalism and alternative media sources will surely bring the change.

As an appeal, I request you to share with us any form of good news that you find around you. Let’s bring the positivity to the world. Indians are waiting for the chance that allows them to appreciate India and fellow Indians. Can we do that?

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