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opinions that matter

So, the American presidential debates have finally started. Some hours ago, we have witnessed Hillary and Donald lock horns on a floor. The audience were silent (as per the stipulation) and the two presidents-in-fray were debating their policies, ideas and winning whims. Donald Trump, as we all know him to be, was a bit dominating and it’d give many intellectuals now a chance to blast him on gender issues!

Whatever, you can say whatever about the presidential debates, absolutely. However, yes, however, things are pretty humorous! I like debates, be it watching those or participating. This was also the debate that I liked so much because of the aggressive approach to the issues by the participants. Trump was, in the first section, hiding behind Ronald Reagan and batting for a cut in taxes to create jobs. Hillary was in favour of the middle class, as most of the politicians pretend to be until they are in power. However, you cannot deny that the United States is going through a whirlwind of economic issues and the ‘leader’ must do something.

Today, I will not make my observations longer because I don’t want to push people into academic issues. We all know what is being thought by whom as far as the candidates are concerned. Today, I am in favour of just sitting relaxed and enjoying the debates. Let them parrot their policies and their worth again and again. I am interested (as well as India is) because the president of the USA will be a ‘direct person’ for India. As the moderator announced in the beginning, there are two more debates scheduled and I hope the coming two will give the people of USA an ample opportunity to understand their candidates better.

On the technicalities, I like the way the candidates come in front and face each other next to the audience. It is a direct communication (no back stabbings) and it gives the people a very welcoming hour to judge the persons. Something like this in India will prove a lot and then, don’t ask me about the TRP of the channel which will get that jackpot! Enjoy the presidential debates!

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