कुछ चीजें विरासत में ही किसको यों मिल जाती है मानो उनकी फितरत में ही लिखा हो की ये चीज उन्हें मिलनी ही है। पिछले कुछ दिनों से जिस तरह.
Just like the perpetual saga of demons and fairies and angels which almost everyone in the childhood has to listen to, the flood in North Bihar is also never-ceasing. Be.
आज मगध यूनिवर्सिटी में सीनेट की बैठक के दौरान जो कुछ हुआ वो बेहद ही निराशाजनक और पुलिस बिरादरी की एक शर्मनाक हरकत ही कही जा सकती है। अब वक्त.
The way events have unfolded in the recent hours is splendid! We have seen raids on top politicians who are well-known for being skin-deep in corruption and one among the.
Nitish Kumar has faced several blows on the chin, recent developments in the politics, as well as the state affairs, indicate so, at least. Today only, the Patna High Court.
It has been almost a year since the JDU-RJD unexpected (was it?) coalition for the elections happened. The rivals came together to confront a power which was aiming to usurp.