PM Modi is brave and we know that. You may like him; hate him (with or without a reason); admire him; say bad about him, but, for sure, you cannot.
A perturbing hashtag #FraudTeresa has started trending in the micro blogging website, Twitter in India. The users were sharing their own viewpoints on her by putting forth their concern of.
When did you last tell somebody that India is a secular country? Maybe at times when people from a certain community and their messiahs were painting the sky green a.
I just don't know at all why does a person called John Dayal goes time to time to America and almost spits venom against our country India in the most.
I hope you have enjoyed the story of that pathetic old man who didn't work but enjoyed luxuries on the income of his wife and daughter. Today, I have heard.
When I joined twitter, I thought it to be a platform where people express the best thing about them or about anything in just 140 characters. Today, however, seeing things.